Getting your form ready with FormPanel

This recipe shows how to create a basic form using Sencha Touch and implement some of the behaviors such as submitting the form data, handling errors during the submission, and so on.

Getting ready

Make sure that you have set up your development environment by following the recipes outlined in Chapter 1, Gear up for the Journey.

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps:

  1. Create a ch02 folder in the same folder where we had created the ch01 folder.
  2. Create and open a new file named ch02_01.js and paste the following code into it:
      onReady: function() {
        var form;
        //form and related fields config
        var formBase = {
          //enable vertical scrolling in case the form exceeds the page height
          scroll: 'vertical',
          url: 'http://localhost/test.php',
          items: [{//add a fieldset
            xtype: 'fieldset',
            title: 'Personal Info',
            instructions: 'Please enter the information above.',
            //apply the common settings to all the child items of the fieldset
            defaults: {
              required: true,    //required field
              labelAlign: 'left',
              labelWidth: '40%'
            items: [
              {//add a text field
                xtype: 'textfield',
                name : 'name',
                label: 'Name',
                useClearIcon: true,//shows the clear icon in the field when user types
                autoCapitalize : false
              }, {//add a password field
                xtype: 'passwordfield',
                name : 'password',
                label: 'Password',
                useClearIcon: false
              }, {
                xtype: 'passwordfield',
                name : 'reenter',
                label: 'Re-enter Password',
                useClearIcon: true
              }, {//add an email field
                xtype: 'emailfield',
                name : 'email',
                label: 'Email',
                placeHolder: '',
                useClearIcon: true
           listeners : {
             //listener if the form is submitted, successfully
             submit : function(form, result){
             console.log('success', Ext.toArray(arguments));
           //listener if the form submission fails
           exception : function(form, result){
             console.log('failure', Ext.toArray(arguments));
         //items docked to the bottom of the form
         dockedItems: [
             xtype: 'toolbar',
             dock: 'bottom',
             items: [
                 text: 'Reset',
                 handler: function() {
                   form.reset();  //reset the fields
                 text: 'Save',
                 ui: 'confirm',
                 handler: function() {
                   //submit the form data to the url
           if ( {
             formBase.fullscreen = true;
           } else { //if desktop
               Ext.apply(formBase, {
                  autoRender: true,
                  floating: true,
                  modal: true,
                  centered: true,
                  hideOnMaskTap: false,
                  height: 385,
                  width: 480
            //create form panel
            form = new Ext.form.FormPanel(formBase);
  ;  //render the form to the body
  3. Include the following line in index.html:
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ch02/ch02_01.js"></script>
  4. Deploy and access it from the browser. You will see the following screen:
    How to do it...

How it works...

The code creates a form panel, with a field set inside it. The field set has four fields specified as part of its child items. xtype mentioned for each field instructs the Sencha Touch component manager which class to use to instantiate them.

form = new Ext.form.FormPanel(formBase) creates the form and the other field components using the config defined as part of the formBase. renders the form to the body and that is how it will appear on the screen.

url contains the URL where the form data will be posted upon submission. The form can be submitted in the following two ways:

  1. By hitting Go, on the virtual keyboard or Enter on a field that ends up generating the action event.
  2. By clicking on the Save button, which internally calls the submit() method on the form object.

form.reset() resets the status of the form and its fields to the original state. Therefore, if you had entered the values in the fields and clicked on the Reset button, all the fields would be cleared.

form.submit() posts the form data to the specified url. The data is posted as an Ajax request using the POST method.

Use of useClearIcon on the field instructs Sencha Touch whether it should show the clear icon in the field when the user starts entering a value in it. On clicking on this icon, the value in the field is cleared.

There's more...

In the preceding code, we saw how to construct a form panel, add fields to it, and handle events. We will see what other non-trivial things we may have to do in the project and how we can achieve these using Sencha Touch.

Standard submit

This is the old and traditional way for form data posting to the server url. If your application need is to use the standard form submit, rather than Ajax, then you will have to set standardSubmit to true on the form panel. This is set to false, by default. The following code snippet shows the usage of this property:

var formBase = {
    scroll: 'vertical',
    standardSubmit: true,

After this property is set to true on the FormPanel, form.submit() will load the complete page specified in url.

Do not submit on field action

As we saw earlier, the form data is automatically posted to the url if the action event (when the Go or Enter key is hit) occurs. In many applications, this default feature may not be desirable. In order to disable this feature, you will have to set submitOnAction to false on the form panel.

Post-submission handling

Say we posted our data to the url. Now, either the call may fail or it may succeed. In order to handle these specific conditions and act accordingly, we will have to pass additional config options to the form's submit() method. The following code shows the enhanced version of the submit call:

        success: function(form, result) {
            Ext.Msg.alert("INFO", "Form submitted!");
        failure: function(form, result) {
            Ext.Msg.alert("INFO", "Form submission failed!");

If the Ajax call (to post form data) fails, then the failure callback function is called, and in the case of success, the success callback function is called. This works only if the standardSubmit is set to false.

See also

  • The recipe named Setting up the Android-based development environment in Chapter 1
  • The recipe named Setting up the iOS-based development environment in Chapter 1
  • The recipe named Setting up the Blackberry-based development environment in Chapter 1
  • The recipe named Setting up the browser-based development environment in Chapter 1
  • The recipe named Setting up the production environment in Chapter 1