How to do it...

  1. Build CSharpAnalyzers solution in Visual Studio by executing the Build | Build Solution command.
  2. Open the binary output folder for the CSharpAnalyzers project (<%SolutionFolder%>\CSharpAnalyzers\bin\debug) in Windows Explorer and verify that the NuGet package for the analyzer named, CSharpAnalyzers.1.0.X.Y.nupkg, is generated in the folder.
  3. Double-click on the Diagnostic.nuspec file in the CSharpAnalyzers project in Solution Explorer to view and configure the properties of the nupkg.
  1. Rebuild the project to regenerate the nupkg with new properties.
  2. Publish the nupkg as a public or private package by following the steps listed here:


  1. Open the binary output folder for the CSharpAnalyzers.Vsix project (<%SolutionFolder%\CSharpAnalyzers.Vsix\bin\debug) in Windows Explorer and verify that VSIX for the analyzer named, CSharpAnalyzers.Vsix.vsix, is present in the folder.
  2. Double-click on the source.extension.vsixmanifest file in the CSharpAnalyzers.Vsix project in the Solution Explorer to view and configure the properties of the VSIX package.
  1. Rebuild the VSIX project to regerate the VSIX.
  2. Publish it to the Visual Studio Extension Gallery by following the steps listed here: