- Learning DevOps
- Mikael Krief
- 642字
- 2021-06-24 12:32:01
Continuous delivery (CD)
Once continuous integration has been successfully completed, the next step is to deploy the application automatically in one or more non-production environments, which is called staging. This process is called continuous delivery (CD).
CD often starts with an application package prepared by CI, which will be installed according to a list of automated tasks. These tasks can be of any type: unzip, stop and restart service, copy files, replace configuration, and so on. The execution of functional and acceptance tests can also be performed during the CD process.
Unlike CI, CD aims to test the entire application with all of its dependencies. This is very visible in microservices applications composed of several services and APIs; CI will only test the microservice under development while, once deployed in a staging environment, it will be possible to test and validate the entire application as well as the APIs and microservices that it is composed of.
In practice, today, it is very common to link CI with CD in an integration environment; that is, CI deploys at the same time in an environment. It is indeed necessary so that developers can have at each commit not only the execution of unit tests but also a verification of the application as a whole (UI and functional), with the integration of the developments of the other team members.
It is very important that the package generated during CI and that will be deployed during CD is the same one that will be installed on all environments, and this should be the case until production. However, there may be configuration file transformations that differ depending on the environment, but the application code (binaries, DLL, and JAR) must remain unchanged.
This immutable, unchangeable character of the code is the only guarantee that the application verified in an environment will be of the same quality as the version deployed in the previous environment and the same one that will be deployed in the next environment. If changes (improvements or bug fixes) are to be made to the code following verification in one of the environments, once done, the modification will have to go through the CI and CD cycle again.
The tools set up for CI/CD are often completed with others solutions, which are as follows:
- A package manager: This constitutes the storage space of the packages generated by CI and recovered by CD. These managers must support feeds, versioning, and different types of packages. There are several on the market, such as Nexus, ProGet, Artifactory, and Azure Artifacts.
- A configuration manager: This allows you to manage configuration changes during CD; most CD tools include a configuration mechanism with a system of variables.
In CD, the deployment of the application in each staging environment is triggered as follows:
- It can be triggered automatically, following a successful execution on a previous environment. For example, we can imagine a case where the deployment in the pre-production environment is automatically triggered when the integration tests have been successfully performed in a dedicated environment.
- It can be triggered manually, for sensitive environments such as the production environment, following a manual approval by a person responsible for validating the proper functioning of the application in an environment.
What is important in a CD process is that the deployment to the production environment, that is, to the end user, is triggered manually by approved users:

This diagram clearly shows that the CD process is a continuation of the CI process. It represents the chain of CD steps, which are automatic for staging environments but manual for production deployments. It also shows that the package is generated by CI and is stored in a package manager and that it is the same package that is deployed in different environments.
Now that we've looked at CD, let's look at continuous deployment practices.