- 法律是什么:二十世纪英美法理学批判阅读
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① Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,p.1.
② Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,p.14.
① John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.18.
② John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.29.
③ John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.21.
④ John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.30.
⑤ John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.24.
① John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.24.
② John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.25.
③ Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,p.58.
④ Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,p.54.
⑤ Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,pp.21~22.
① Neil MacCormick and Ota Weinberger,An Institutional Theory of Law:New approaches to legal positivism,Boston:D.Reidel Publishing Corporation,1986,p.156.
② Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,p.18;John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.166.
① Henry Maine,Lectures on the Early History of Institutions,New York:Henry Holt and Company,1987,pp.375~386.
② 为坚持自己的法律概念,分析法学本身认为即使国际法都不能称为实在法律,它也是一种实在道德。
① 详见John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,VI.
① H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,p.77.
② 他曾用这个概念来说明英国法中的判例制度是如何被主权者许可的。
① 详见John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,VI.
① H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,pp.50~64.
① Theodore Benditt,Law as Rule and Principle,California:Stanford University Press,1978,p.66.
② J.P.Gibbs,“Definitions of Law and Empirical Questions”,Law and Society(1968),p.440.
③ H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,p.77.
① H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,p.27.
② John Austin,Lectures on Jurisprudence or the Philosophy of Positive Law.5 th ed.,rev.and ed.Robert Campbell,London:John Murray,1885,pp.12,401.一个几乎同时代的法学学者也类似地提到这点,参见William Markby,Elements of Law:Considered with Reference to Principles of General Jurisprudence,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1873,p.50.
① Jeremy Bentham,Of Laws in General,ed.H.L.A.Hart,London:The Athlone Press University of London,1970,p.58;John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.34.
① H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,pp.35~37.
① H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,p.80.
① Theodore Benditt,Law as Rule and Principle,California:Stanford University Press,1978,p.64.
① Martin Golding,Philosophy of Law,New Jersey:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1975,pp.26~27.
② David Lyons,Ethics and The Rule of Law,New York:Cambridge University Press,1984,p.42.
① H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1961,pp.21~23.
① Jeremy Bentham,An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation,New York:Hafner Publishing Co.,1948,p.293.
② John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.184.
① Marcus Tullius Cicero,De Re Publica,trans.C.W.Keyes,ed.Loeb Classical Library,1928,Bk.I.xvi,pp.43~44.
① 阿奎那:《阿奎那政治论文选》,马清愧译,商务印书馆1982年版,第105、116、148、152页。
② Sir William Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England.16 th ed.,London,I,1825,p.41.
① 亚里士多德:《政治学》,吴寿彭译,商务印书馆1983年版,第199页。
① John Austin,Lectures on Jurisprudence or the Philosophy of Positive Law.5 th ed.,rev.and ed.Robert Campbell,London:John Murray,1885,p.1072.
① John Austin,Lectures on Jurisprudence or the Philosophy of Positive Law.5 th ed.,rev.and ed.Robert Campbell,London:John Murray,1885,p.1073.
② John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.112.
① Dennis Lloyd,The Idea of Law,New York:Viking Penguin Inc.,1981,p.105.
① John Austin,The Province of Jurisprudence Determined,ed.Wilfrid E.Rumble,New York:Cambridge University Press,1995,p.163.