- 中英“一带一路”战略合作论坛研究文集
- 魏一明 张占仓 周立 袁凯声
- 8016字
- 2020-08-29 04:53:03
The Airport Economy Development of ZAEZ's Innovation on the Regional Development Pattern
Abstract: As the growth pole of regional economic development, the pathway that airport economy leads the development of regional economy includes: changing the regional elements endowment in the micro scale, coupling with the regional industries in the medium scale, accelerating the tax revenue increase and employment growth in the macro scale. As a representative of Chinese airport economy, Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone(short for ZAEZ)has played a significant leading and demonstrating role in the following fields: deepening the system reforms in an all-round way, promoting the“synchronization of five modernizations”, building“one carrier and four systems”, constructing“Four Henan”, advancing the structural reform of supply-side and integrating the resources of Henan airport. The article concludes: the structural reform of supply-side needs to be accelerated to integrate into the international frontiers of airport economy. Airport economy is promising under the“One Belt, One Road”initiative. The ZAEA development has promoted the innovation of regional development pattern and showed the tendency of new“four modernizations”of the future regional development. The airport economy has developed rapidly based on the international aviation transportation system, which may change the traditional development pattern that the regional development center located in the coastal areas usually since the Industrial Revolution, and open up a new era that the regional development center will return to the inland regions.
Key Words: airport economy; the structural reform of supply-side;Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone; regional development pattern; inland era
Airport economy is a new type of economic pattern surrounding airport and airport peripheral areas. In recent years, with the economic development and production technology have progressed, big data, the Internet and intelligent manufacturing development have been changing the rules of industry competition and business enterprise location, a new competition system based on aviation, digital, globalization and time value has been forming quickly. In order to meet the demands for efficiency, flexibility and reliability, the industries which are very sensitive to the time gradually have gathered around the airport in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places, the high-tech and IT companies have emerged in the airport perimeter consequently. All of those factors have stimulated the further expansion of air cargo and air express, thus airport economic development has been taking shape, and a certain influential industrial advantage and brand advantage have been formed. As a representative of the airport economic development in China, ZAEZ has made remarkable achievements in a short span of four years. In order to accurately grasp the deep reasons that how ZAEZ drives the economic development of Henan province, and to summarize China's airport economy development systematically, this paper takes further analysis on the basic features of airport economy, interprets the mechanism and path that how airport economic drive the development of regional economy scientifically, and combines the practice of ZAEZ.
The Characteristics of Airport Economy
1.The airport economy is a kind of speed economy
Speed economy is a kind of economy that enterprises get the excess profit from meeting customers' diverse needs rapidly. “Speed economy”was first raised from a masterpiece named The Visible Hand: the Managerial Revolution in American Business written by Alfred D. Chandler Jr. who was an American economist. He thought that the modern mass production and distribution, the modern transportation and communication, their economic features come from the speed rather than the scale. In the era of speed economy, time is becoming more and more precious and the new competition focus between enterprises and between supply chains is on how to meet different needs of customers in the shortest time. Saving time is saving cost, while time is becoming an important source of enterprise core competitiveness. In this situation, efficiency and flexibility should be first considered in enterprise business activities. The core carriers of airport economic development are aviation hub and aircraft. Aircraft is a kind of transportation with the fastest response to production factors in the world; it can improve the efficiency and save supply chain time by accelerating network development of inter-industry and intra-industry, international outsourcing, personalized production, and rapid transportation of products and services. Airport economy has the most wonderful attributes of speed economy. As the most famous American scholar John D. Kasarda proposed, the key of developing international aviation hub and airport economy is“speed, speed, and speed”.
2.The airport economy is an international efficient economy
Modern society is gradually evolved into a society that using comprehensive information technology, making knowledge processing and integration as connotation, creating intelligent tools to transform and update the economic departments and social fields. A large number of high value-added, quantitative corpuscle products are constantly emerging, such as computer chips, software, biotechnology and microelectronic, the transportation costs of these products only account for a small portion in the total costs, the reduced cost ratio make it possible for some multinational companies seeking for production on a global scale, and the economic activity space is extremely expanded as the result of air transport development. In the development of global economy, air freight value accounts for more than one-third of the global freight value share, air freight has an important position in the global trading system. In 2011, the international airport association report showed that the global air traffic accounted for 1% of the entire freight transport amount, while the air freight value accounted for 36% of the global freight value. 1∶36 becomes a vane that the public understand and analysis the importance of contemporary air transport, and it also becomes one of the symbols in today's high-end industry development.
3.The airport economy is a beautiful music leading the global economic integration
Under the influence and promotion of economic globalization, the regions that involve production process and services continue to extend to the whole world, production factors are realized optimal configuration globally, and social division of labor can be decomposed in accordance with the industrial chains worldwide. In the 21st century, global economic integration has turned into the high-tech era, and the global information technology has been rapidly popularized. Therefore, the company products must be quickly penetrated in the global network which was made up of different suppliers to obtain the best materials, components, and the lowest price. In other words, “global accessible”has been the new requirement of globalization. The study of Justin D. Stilwall and R. John Hansman(2013)showed that more than half of the global top 500 company headquarters were located within16 km around the United Sates hub airport while 29% of the commercial institutions were near the airport. International hub airports have the fastest and widest range of the global route network, they adapt to the demands of long distance, wide scope and short time of the international trade, and meet the requirement of“global accessible”. So the international aviation hub becomes more valuable than scale economy and scope economy to multinational companies, it becomes the primary choice of multinational business sites and regional business, and also becomes the most characteristic note of the wonderful business landscape of global economic integration. In this context, air freight has become an important driving force to promote regional economic growth, while airport economy has become the best choice of leading the global economic integration.
4.The airport economy promotes the connectivity of the global market
Airport economy is an open system that consists of many open elements. It connects major cities both in China and abroad by using the airport route network. High quality economic factors such as capital, information, technology and talents are circulated in the airline network and quickly integrated into the global economy, which will drives the cycle of whole economic system and promotes the connectivity of global market. At the same time, international aviation hub itself has the function of free trade, which brings convenience to the personnel exchange and meet customers' demand quickly. It brings more convenience for customers to buy the goods of international famous brand, especially for high-end goods and fashion products, such as cosmetics, intelligent terminal, high-end clothing, model clothes and branded watches. So the essence of airport economic development is to build a shopping heaven for local customers and create a convenience for the global connectivity.
5.The airport economy promotes the rapid development of international tourism
With the improvement of people's living standard, long-distance travel and leisure become more and more demanded for people, air transport has become the best choice for tourist. The study of international airport association shows that over the next 20 years, with the development of the international air transport, tourism incomes will increase two times. Taking Bangkok as an example, since the 1960s, the number of tourists in Bangkok has increased by nearly 40 times, this miraculous growth was mainly attributed to the great capacity of the Boeing 747. Powerful aviation passenger capacity leads large-scale international tourism into a new era which is characterized by tourist charter flights. According to the account of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the number of tourist passenger has accounted for 75% of all airline passengers, however only 7% of the people choose to travel by air among the people who have the ability to afford flight travel in the world. World Economic Forum reported that the common point in tourism countries was that they have formed a set of convenient and high quality air traffic network and its supporting service such as roads, hotels and banks. Once the industry interoperability has formed, the effectiveness will be extremely strong and have a great development potential. At the same time, because large funds of investment in fixed assets from the airline has been tied up, in order to guarantee its rate of capital return, airlines must fly day and night, and no matter low and peak seasons, so the average price of air transport is becoming more and more cheap. Powerful passenger traffic and cheaper price of the air transport make more and more international travel demand from people themselves turn into reality, airport economy becomes an important inducement to promote international tourism development.
6.The airport economy promotes the communication and integration between Chinese and Western cultural
There is more than ten thousand kilometers from central and east China to Europe, the economic and trade exchanges might be cancelled or reduced because of time consume and high cost in such a wide geographical space. So the efficiency of the transportation must be put forward with high request through Chinese and western communication. Along with the evolution of transportation and miniaturization of high-tech product volume, based on the popularization of the more and more convenient ways of air transport in the whole world, increasingly more cargos are transported by aircraft. Airport economy which is relying on the international aviation hub develops quickly, and the transport time is greatly reduced in social economic activities with the same size and distance. All of these will make the space in the development of time series presents a process of constant convergence, make the communication among all ethnic groups and different countries around the world very convenience, and promote the exchange and integration of Chinese and western cultures. We can say that due to the convenience of air transportation, Chinese and western culture can learn from each other through communication and fusion, make continuous innovation and improvement in studying and using, and promote the continuous progress of human civilization. The communication and integration not only guarantee the diversity of regional culture, but also give further play to the soul part of excellent culture leading the development, improve the cultural consciousness of inclusive development of the world countries, and reduce the risk of political conflict in different cultures.
The Pathway of how Airport Economy Leading the Development of Regional Economy
The report from air transportation group in 2008 indicated that air transportation industry was the main contributor to the global economic growth. In 2006, it had carried more than 2.2billion passengers and accounted for 35% of the global international trade amount, it had created 32million job opportunities and about 3.56 trillion dollars' economic benefit which accounted for 7.5% of the world GDP. In the year 2002, the Europe Department of International Airport Associate indicated in its report that as the motive force of inland and regional development, the contribution of airport to the regional economy had been reflected in the leading role of economic growth and social employment. Appord and Kasard's(2013)study on the employment of the 25 American busiest airports showed that there were 3.1million employment opportunities in 4 kilometers around the airport, 4.5million employment opportunities in 8kilometers around the airport, and there were 19million employment opportunities(which account for 17.2% of the American total employment opportunities)in 16kilometers around the airport. Cao Yunchun(2009)put forward that by the continuous interactive function among the airline network, ground network, social environment, and hinterland economy, airport economy had constantly played roles in attracting, spreading, driving, supporting and feeding back. The airport economic zone has taken full advantage of its interior land to introduce the elements such as preferential policy, supporting finance, management system and human resource, used the airline network and flows of people and products of the airport to form the high-end industrial clusters, and utilized the domination effect, multiplier effect and diffusion effect of the growth pole to make interaction with the interior land and to accelerate the regional economic development.
1.The airport economy changes the regional elements endowment of region development in the micro scale
In the support of a certain production mode, the elements endowment characteristics of a regional economic structure are relatively stable in a certain period. The surrounding area of the aviation hub has become the regional core growth pole because of the fast development of airport economy around it. By the interactive function of the airport economy and hinterland economy, the newer and better production elements will be attracted and inputted into the hinterland economy, especially for the production and consumption elements which are much more sensitive to speed and time will aggregate to the adjacent area of the aviation hub rapidly and the scale effect has been forming, such elements includes the fashionable high-tech products and parts, the fashionable clothing, the most popular cosmetics, the fresh fruit, the high quality milk, the international logistics services and so on. If the international business environment is possessed and the global top 500 companies get in, such change will be more notable, even advance rapidly. As time goes on, these production elements will be accumulated continuously in the airport area and hinterland area, the human resource structure which is related to such elements will change significantly, the top talents which is related to the airport economy will be accumulated rapidly, these accumulation will enhance the elements endowment structure and industry structure of the area they located notably, such areas will possess more core competitiveness in the development of capital intensive industry and technology intensive industry. Meanwhile, some other changes will turn up consequently. The technology which is adopted by the enterprise will be more and more advanced, the capital demand will be increased, more listed companies will beentered or more local companies will be listed, the local production and market size will be changed a lot. Therefore, the development of airport economy will change the elements endowment of the hinterland area in the micro level, and will enhance the core competitiveness of the hinterland economy by promoting the regional capitalization standard and improving the industry structure.
2.To realize the industry coupling between the airport economy and the regional development in the medium scale
Once the aviation hub develops rapidly, the aviation industries which are matched to the aviation hub directly such as the aviation manufacture, aviation maintenance, aviation logistics, aviation service and aviation human resource training will rising imperatively. In such occasion, on the one hand, the hinterland enterprises will offer the matching products and extensional services for the aviation industry, which will help the other enterprises gain knowledge spillover, capital and human resources from the aviation industry, thus improving the technological and management standard of the regional enterprises in a short time, promoting their internationalization and expanding the market space rapidly. On the other hand, much logistic cost of aviation industry will be saved, the information exchange speed and veracity will be improved, the effective communication of stick knowledge will be promoted, thus effectively promoting the concept innovation and technology innovation of aviation industry, further strengthening the agglomeration effect and lock-in effect of special industrial cluster, and ultimately advancing the hinterland industry upgradation and its entering in the international market. Therefore, the industry interaction between airport economy and hinterland economy shows up as the industrial chain coupling, inter-industrial coupling and industry environment development coupling in the medium scale. And by these international industry coupling, the inner quality of regional economy development and the benefit of local people would be improved.
3.The airport economy promotes the growth of regional tax revenue and employment in the macro scale
In the analytical framework of Keynes macro-economy, the development of airport zone presents that the aviation industry output is increased, more and more labor is absorbed, much more consumption and fiscal revenue are brought in. In other words, the finance, trade, posts and telecom, communication, catering,exhibition, tourism are greatly developed by building aviation hub and its matching functionalzones such as the business districts, the export processing zones, the bonded areas, the logistics parks and the cross border electronic trade zones, thus absorbing a large number of population employment and improving the regional revenue. The increase of the salary of these employment populations and the local tax revenue has formed the economic radiation and diffusion objectively, and has brought a greater economy growth through the consumption and government purchasing behavior. In the 70th global air transport summit hosted by the international air transport association on June 2, 2014 in the capital of Katar, Tang Yanlin, who was the president of a council and CEO of the international air transportation association, pointed out in his presentation, “the aviation industry has been the lifeline of the global economy nowadays, it has brought 5.8million job opportunities and created 2.4trillion dollars in the annual economic activity. This year coinciding with the 100 anniversary of global commercial flights, the global aviation may create 18.7 billion dollars in the second hundred years and reach the highest level in history”. Apparently, the promotion function of airport economy to the global economy is significant in the macro scale.
In conclusion, although the airport economy is a new economic form, it plays a very import role in the global economy in the micro, medium and macro scale. The global air freight value has accounted for more than 1/3 of the annual value of freight. The practice of Memphis airport, Frankfurt airport, Schiphol Airport, Dubai airport, Incheon airport has shown to the world that, under the new historical conditions, the global transportation and regional development model have entered the fifth circulation, airport economy may change the development mode originated from the industrial revolution that the regional developing center existed in the coastal areas or riverside areas, and may open a new era that the development center will return back to the inland areas(figure1). Parts of the inland areas which have concentrated population, abundant resources, rapid developing internet economy, big space cities, livable environment and appropriate business will become the new hotspot of regional development.

Figure 1 The Pattern of Airport Economy Leading Regional Economy Development
The Major Achievements of ZAEZ
ZAEZ's development plan was approval by the State Council of the P. R. C. on March 7, 2013, which was the unique national airport economic comprehensive experimental zone, as well as one of the Three National Strategic Plan in Henan Province. ZAEA contributed a lot to the development of local economy and society, and it has been the core growth pole of Central China Economic District.
1.The rapid growth of economic output
ZAEZ has made remarkable achievements since it was founded, the GDP of ZAEZ has increased 18 times in the last five years, from 2.76 billion yuan in 2010 to 52.08 billion yuan in 2015, and the average annual growth rate was 43.3% during the 12th five-year plan. In addition, the value added by large-scale industry has achieved 42.99 billion yuan, with an increase of 26.0%, 19.9% higher than the national average, and 17.4% higher than the province average. The value added by computers, communications equipment and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry has achieved 41.94 billion yuan, with an increase of 27.3%, accounted for 97.6% of the value added by large-scale industry. In 2015, ZAEZ's FAI(Fixed Assets Investment)was 52.18 billion yuan, with an increase of 30.2%; the FCAU(Foreign Capital Actually Utilized)was 505 million US dollars, with an increase of 74.7%; the TEIV(Total Export-Import Volume)was 48.33 billion US dollars, with an increase of 27.5%; the financial gross income was 35.89 billion yuan, with an increase of 84.5%. And the customs revenue was 26.73 billion yuan, with an increase of 72.5%; the general public budget revenues expenditures were 2.95 billion yuan and 8.66 billion yuan, respectively, with an increase of 39.4% and 38.5%. Meanwhile, the number of job opportunities offered by ZAEZ has increased rapidly, and ZAEZ has become the fastest-growing area in employment in Zhengzhou. During 2010 to 2015, ZAEZ has played an important role in driving the local economic development that Zhengzhou's GDP has been increased from 500 billion yuan to 731.5 billion yuan(Table 1).
Table 1 ZAEZ's economic index in 2010-2015

Note: GDP represents Gross Domestic Product; FAI represents Fixed Assets Investment; BR represents Budget Revenue, TEIV represents Total Export-Import Volume, Am. Indicates Amount, and In. indicates Increment.
2.The rapid construction of the international aviation hub
By the end of 2015, Zhengzhou airport has opened a total of 171 airlines, with an increase of 92 airlines from 2011, in which there were 30 all-cargo international airlines, ranked the first in the mainland in China. The airlines have covered all the world's major economies, and the passenger and freight transport have grown rapidly(Table 2). Passenger turnover has exceeded 17.3 million, with an increase of 2 times in five years, ranked the 17th in the nation. And the cargo turnover has exceeded 403000 tons, with an increase of 3.7 times in five years, ranked 8th in the nation. The freight growth rate in 2013 and 2014 ranked the first place in the large airports in China while the passenger growth rate ranked the first place in 2014. It was significant to strength local economic and social development for the aviation hub with rapid growth in passenger and freight traffic. Therefore, In September 2014, while ICAO Air Cargo Development Forum held in Zhengzhou, the ICAO council chairman, Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu commended Zhengzhou Airport as the“world's fastest growing cargo airport”. In 2014, the international and regional cargo turnover of Zhengzhou airport increased by 82%, accounted for 55% of the total of cargo and mail, the international and regional turnover exceeded the amount of domestic postal turnover, and cargo volume of all cargo carriers occupied the dominant position. Due to the rapid growth in freight, it had greater impact on China EU air cargo, and the“Zhengzhou Price”became an important benchmark of international air cargo between China and the EU tariffs. By the end of 2015, the number of Zhengzhou airport arrival boundary port has exceeded 1.2 million. The immigration flow of Zhengzhou Airport has maintained an average annual growth rate of 50% for eight consecutive years, which was among the forefront of the country airports. It has attracted in UPS, FedEx, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines and other cargo air companies. The international cargo airlines of Zhengzhou airport has accounted for 90% of the middle areas, and it has been the only airport approved by government to provide international express service. “Zhengzhou-Luxembourg”international freight“dual hub”airlines were opening on June 27, 2014, and it was the first international freight company air base, whose turnover has exceeded 1 million tons in the end of the same year. By November 23, 2015, Luxembourg cargo airlines performed 438 flight missions, contributed 50 thousand tons cargo turnover to Zhengzhou airport, and this date has been up to 60 thousand tons by the end of the year. The run of Zhengzhou-Luxembourg“dual hub”has accelerated global cargo network layout in Zhengzhou international hub, which is the air“Silk Road”between China-EU. With Zhengzhou Airport T2 project put into operation by the end of 2015, the transport capacity would have improved significantly. According to the 13thFive Year Plan, the passenger turnover will reach 19 million and the cargo turnover will reach 1 million tons by the end of 2020, which is becoming one of the most active airports in world's passenger and cargo market growth.
Table 2 The growth condition of ZAEZ's passenger and freight traffic in 2011-2015

3.The remarkable development of airport-related industries
ZAEZ industrial advantage lies in high-end manufacturing products that are forming the whole industry chains including R&D, parts manufacturing and marketing. There are 119 smart-phone enterprises such as Foxconn, Coolpad, K-Touch and Skyworth, which produced 200 million smart phones, accounted for about 1/7 of global products in 2015. Meanwhile, the tertiary industries developed rapidly, and firstly obtained the international air express package total city seal straight right, thus the express from Zhengzhou to New York, Moscow, London etc. 13 international cities have been achieved with“sent the same day, delivered the next day”. Currently, Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone has been one of the 10 national pilot cities of“self-produced and domestic-sale products can be repaired in the comprehensive bonded zone”, and has opened the truck flights or the customs supervision truck. It has opened the first express supervision center in the middle areas, has been approved to be the carry-over pilot of the bonded goods, and has opened the“truck flights”to 13 major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing. Especially, Zhengzhou cross-border trade E-commerce services pilot city was approved in August, 2012, thus it has been the only comprehensive pilot of import and export relying on the function of“tax returned while enter the zone, tax bounded while enter the country, international division and distribution”of the bonded supervision areas. It provided online shopping services for customers from China and other eight countries by the model of“E-commerce + Bonded center + International mail direct seal system”, and collaborated with more than 3000 enterprises from Germany, Russia, the United States, Japan, Korea, Israel and other countries. In November and December, 2014, the import and export commodity packages exceeded one hundred thousand pieces and two hundred thousand pieces, respectively. In 2015, this data reached 1 million in January and 4.7 million in the first quarter. It was able to deal with 5 million packages when reached its peak in the third quarter, 98% of those documents were finished by automated audit. Zhengzhou cross-border trade E-commerce services pilot was accepted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC on November27, 2015, its business volume reached 50 million pieces, the comprehensive index such as the business volume, tax amount and the related enterprise amount ranked the first of all the pilot cities in China, and it became the vane of China's cross-border trade E-commerce services in the innovation of industry integration, business process and regulation model. Meanwhile, China(Zhengzhou)comprehensive experimental zone of cross-border E-commerce was approved in January, 2016, and it will build the complete industrial chain and ecological circle. Zhengzhou has been entering in a new era of international business development characterized by the“global trade”instead of the old impression.
4.Initially established the center of inland open economy
ThePlan of Central China Economic Region(2012-2020)defined Zhengzhou airport as an inland open center, it has made so many people feel unable to understand. In August 2010, Foxconn smart phone project landed in Zhengzhou in one month from contract signing to the operation of production lines. In October 2010, Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Zone completed its declaration and ratification within 100 days. Both of them have created miracles and beautiful stories in Zhengzhou. In 2012, the import and export turnover in Xinzheng Comprehensive Bonded Area reached 28.5 billion US dollars, ranked the second of the 31 Comprehensive Bonded Areas in China, and it has reflected great potential for development. In 2015, the total import and export in ZAEZ was 48.33 billion US dollars, accounted for 85.0% of the total import and export in Zhengzhou and for 67.4% in Henan province, thus it deserved the name of“inland open center”. With the increasing efforts to open up, the ports such as cars, meat, Australia live cattle, imported fruits, vegetables and flowers have been put into use, the ports of food, medicines, medical equipment will be put into use in 2016, and the ports of plants and seedlings are declaring for construction. ZAEZ has the largest number of open ports in the inland areas. It has been called as the development model of“little zone lead big province”by the Customs, and it has been the new engine of the foreign trade development in Henan.
The Driving Effects of ZAEZ to Henan Development
Airport economy is the strategic need to upgrade the Chinese economic development. ZAEZ has continued its high-speed development since it was constructed. And the high-end manufacturing and GDP have expanded greatly especially under the support of the ultra high speed growth of investment, import and export, passenger and freight transport. The construction and development of ZAEZ has exerted a profound influence on economy of Henan province.
1.The driving effect on comprehensively deepening the system reform
The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we must deepen the reform comprehensively to build a well-off society in all aspects. Deepen the reform comprehensively is the key for Henan province to fundamentally solve its development problems and environmental constraints. As the core growth pole of Central China Economic Region, the ZAEZ has played an important role in deepening the reform comprehensively. Firstly, it has the driving effect on economic system reform. The ZAEZ has made the market as a decisive role in resources allocation to take full advantage of the open, fair, impartial and efficient of the allocated resources. Secondly, it has the driving effect on social system reform. The social system reform has evolved around the better livelihood and social justice, promoting equalization of basic public services between urban and rural. Thirdly, it has the driving effect on ecological civilization system reform. According to the standard of“Beautiful Henan”, it has deepened the characteristic system reform of ecological civilization by centering on the“two major ecological corridor”and improving the living condition. Fourth, it has the driving effect on administrative system reform. It has established the efficient system and mechanism by taking advantage of the new institution and insisting the“small government great service”direction, established the work structure and responsibility mechanism with“two layers and three levels”, attempted the direct system with extended range and perfect process between provincial departments and ZAEZ, and implemented the flexible institution settlement. ZAEZ has been at the forefront of deepening the system and mechanism reform in Henan province.
2.The driving effect on balanced development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agriculture modernization and greenization
In accordance with the CPC and Henan province strategic planning, ZAEZ has sought for balanced development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agriculture modernization and greenization. Especially, ZAEZ has insisted onbuilding characteristic airport industry cluster around the high-end manufacturing, improved the new industrialization by developing smart-phones, aerospace materials, biomedical medicine, precision instruments and other key industries, which have played a typical role in the new type industrialization in Henan. It has the forward-looking urban planning concepts, and has explored the new way to create a new type of urbanization, especially in smart city construction, green development, low-carbon development and sustainable development, which have set up the unique model of the new urbanization construction. ZAEZ has sought better rural-urban integration. It has provided basic protection for 220000 rural residents entering into the city, provided policy support and system guarantee for more employment entering into the city, and greatly improved the new agricultural modernization in Henan. Meanwhile, in priority to the development of green industry, the ZAEZ has focused on the development of high-end services and smart city. It has formed a new green metropolitan by taking full advantage of the Afforestration Garden of Zhengzhou. Currently, the supercomputing center is under construction and the Internet plus is under implementation, ZAEZ is developing its smart information, services and economies, such as internet,internet of things, cloud computing and big data, which will enable ZAEZ become the leading informational and technical metropolitan.
3.The driving effect on“One Carrier and Four Systems”
Currently, the overall goal of deepening the reform comprehensively is to improve and develop mode of practice with“One Carrier and Four Systems”in Henan province. Taking advantages of local air cargo network resources, ZAEZ has strengthened their collaboration with global raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and demanders. Taking full use of the global resources and both the international and domestic markets, ZAEZ has established the production supply and consumption supply chains to drive the high-end manufacturing and modern service industry cluster development. It has formed a famous industry cluster of airport economy, and established its industry system which is under the support of aviation logistics and the related industries, so as to lead the development of the high-end industry. Meanwhile, taking advantages of local industrial base and regional market, it has established the complex relationship with the whole industries in Henan provinces to make the surrounding enterprise integrating into its industry chains, participating in the global industrial division, and driving the rapid development of the surrounding areas.
4.The driving effect on“Prosperous Henan, Civilized Henan, Safe Henan, Beautiful Henan”Construction
The concept of“Prosperous Henan, Civilized Henan, Safe Henan and Beautiful Henan”is the practice of“Five-in-one Overall Arrangement”in Henan province proposed at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the construction of“Prosperous Airport Areas”and“Prosperous Henan”, ZAEZ has centered on development of high growth industries, strategic emerging industries and modern services industry according to the principle of“the most competitive, the best growth, and the most relevant”, leaded development of the new industry and new business, and cultivated the new dynamics. In the construction of“Civilized Airport Areas”and“Civilized Henan”, ZAEZ has centered on conversion breakthrough and carrier of the practice of the core values of Chinese socialism, strengthened the moral construction, cultivated and practiced the core values of Chinese socialism, and improved its conversion from theoretical form to the social practice. In the construction of“Safe Airport Areas”and“Safe Henan”, ZAEZ has centered on the social management innovation and the mass lines, strengthened prevention and management of the source of social conflict adhered to scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, conscientiously implemented social stability risk assessment system, and established the scientific and reasonable evaluation system. In the construction of“Beautiful Airport Areas”and“Beautiful Henan”, ZAEZ has fully implemented the basic state policy of resources saving and ecological environment protection, optimized the pattern of land and space development, encouraged the development model of green, circulate, low-carbon and sustainable, advanced the resource-saving and environment-friendly society construction. Beside, ZAEZ has taken aerotropolis theory as the guide, taken beautiful living environment as the direction, and taken the system and mechanism as the driving force.
5.The driving effect on the structural reform of supply-side
AZEZ has taken full advantages of the airport industries, established close ties between airport-related industries and high-end manufacturing. The spillover and diffusion of talents, technology, knowledge, information and other factors have made up for the shortage of high-end production factors, promoted the supply-side reform and the advanced manufacturing construction in Henan. It is because of early start of the supply-side reform in AZEZ that the import and export trade of Henan Province bucked the broadly weaker tone in the national economy in 2014. In 2015, the total foreign trade volume of Henan province increased by 15.3%, while the national total foreign trade volume decreased by 7%. Moreover, the proportion of service industry in GDP has increased continuously, from 32.0 % in 2013 to 39.5% in 2015. All of these have played an important role in inspiring the activity and sustainability of Henan economy. In 2015, Henan' GDP increased by 8.3%, while the national GDP increased by 6.9%. The total GDP of Henan province ranked fifth in the country, and the relative position has maintained in a continuous upward trend. Meanwhile, with an open international view, ZAEZ has taken advantage of the international hub located on the Asian geographical center and the transport capacity of Zhengzhou Airport T2 project to accelerate the development of aviation logistics, aviation finance, cross-border electronic business,big data storage and processing, technology research and development, industrial design, education and training, business exhibition, cultural and creative industries and so on. And, ZAEZ has taken its advantage to cultivate the new business of modern service industry, create a new situation in modern service industry which is supported by international logistics and cross-border electronic business, drive the structural reform of supply-side in Henan province, encourage the construction of high-growth service industry and cyber-economy, and to provide the necessary conditions for economic transformation and upgrading.
6.The driving effect on the integration of airport-related resources in Henan
With the rapid traffic growth of the Zhengzhou airport, it has become a hot area of regional economic development. Meanwhile, there is great potential in passenger and freight traffic in Luoyang airport, Nanyang airport and Kaifeng airport. In accordance with the innovation-driven development and sharing-driven development, ZAEA's land area will be greater, the function will be stronger, and the efficiency will be higher. Taking Zhengzhou airport as the leading, and Luoyang airport, Nanyang airport and Xinyang airport as the supporting, through system and mechanism innovation, ZAEZ has established the complete air transport network with related trunk and branch, reasonable layout and perfect function. Thus, it has become the main alternate airport and high-end aviation talent training base, which was helpful for the resource integration and overall development of the airport economy. In addition, the effect of special resources of trucks flight, comprehensive bonded zone and the customs can be amplified, which is helpful to integrate the airport resources. And it also makes the airport resource sharing for the whole province, bringing the direct and indirect benefits for economic growth, and driving the development of airport economy and open economy in Henan province.
Preliminary Conclusions
1.The structural reform of supply-side needs to accelerate the development to integrate in the internationally advanced airport economy
Supported by the international air transport system, airport economy is a kind of high-end form developed worldwide, which is just an emerging field in China. ZAEZ is a bold exploration in airport economy for China. It is meant to transform the economic development pattern, promote the structural reform of supply-side, and to adapt and lead the new normal. We should treat the construction and development of ZAEZ with international view, focus on the speed and internationalization with great political enthusiasm and innovation courage, form larger advantages in manufacture-related service industry, and explore courageously in the new way of international aviation hinge and ZAEZ development, so as to gather experience in the structural reform of supply-side, find a new way of opening-up in the central and western region of china, lay the foundation of industry structure adjustment and economy promotion in Henan, which will create much more substantial development benefit for the citizens by job enlargement and increased income.
2.Airport economy is promising under the“One Belt, One Road”Initiative
The initial attempt of ZAEZ shows the great charm of airport economic development in the process China's economy involving in the world economy. Especially, the high increase of passenger and cargo throughput in ZAEZ and its leading role in the leap development of open economy in Henan and its surrounding regions shows us that the airport economy has already been the new engine of Henan development, which also shows clearly that the national strategy of constructing international aviation hub in Zhengzhou(located in the middle of China)besides Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou is advancing, strategic and general. Airport economy has been and will continue exerting an important influence on the cultivation of advantages and the development of the aerialSilk Road in the central and western regions. With the advantages of airport economy being further clearly in Zhengzhou and with the promotion of concerning policies and regulations, airport economy has great potential in making further development opportunity and has a bright future. Just as John·Kasarda says, Zhengzhou will be the leading aerotropolis of China if it can combine the airport planning, urban planning and business location planning dynamically. Aerotropolis will promotes the hinterland economy development internally, forms aerial Silk Road externally, builds the bridge of China's integration into the global economy, and accelerates the implement of the“One Belt, One Road”Initiative.
3.Zhengzhou Airport economy development promotes the innovation of regional development mode
Joel Garreau, the writer of Edge City, proposed that city development always relied on the most advanced means of transportation at that time. John·Kasarda, author of Aerotropolis pointed out that the outline and destiny of city has been deepening on the means of transportation. The construction of international aviation hub has great influence on the airport economy development in Zhengzhou and Henan. The significant feature of airport economy is speed. After several years' development, “Zhengzhou speed”is well-known both at home and abroad.“Zhengzhou speed”is created by the improvement of the local investment environment, the optimization of the international business environment and the advance of government management efficiency, which manifests development advantages of central China and the exploration of regional development pattern. This progress is just the spectacular lightspot during the reform and development in Henan. Therefore, ZAEZ is a beacon that lights up the future direction of comprehensively deepening reform and “Synchronization of Five Modernizations”, creates the new pattern of inland open development, and finds a new path for the structural reform of supply-side. This new pattern based on the practice of Henan which is a huge province with one hundred million people will be of great theoretical importance. It may be a symbol of that the traditional theory of regional development that 80% of the developed regions centralized in the coastal area or along the river since the industrial revolution will be changed. The hotspot of regional development theory will turn to the inland areas for that the air transportation has been playing an expanding effect on the global economy development. If this analysis is true, the theory of development economy will appears significant innovation, the global pattern of regional economic development will meets historical major changes, and some inland regions suitable for airport economy development will receive important opportunities.
4.Zhengzhou Airport economy development shows us the trend of future regional development with four characteristics
In 2012, the proportion of service industry in GDP exceeded the proportion of the secondary industry for the first time. The service industry has become the most active factor in economic development, and it has entered in the golden period of comprehensive development. Keeping with the provincial and national development trend, Zhengzhou airport economic development also presents a new trend with four characteristics. Firstly, the regional economy development shows characteristic of servitization. High-speed international logistic development, cross-border electronic commerce, and cloud computing and large data services have provided huge space and great impetus for construction of the service industry in Henan province. Secondly, the service industry development shows characteristic of informatization. The service industry, especially for the manufacture-related one, will realize informatization completely by taking the information age express and taking advantage of the opportunities of cloud computing and big data. Thirdly, the information industry development shows characteristic of intelligentization. All kinds of smart equipment's penetration have rapidly increased in China, especially for smart phone for its penetration is the highest in the world. The big data research and application is moving towards intelligentization which will be of far-reaching influence on our future work and life. Fourthly, the industry development shows characteristic of greenization. Currently, the green development has become people's basic demands. This demand will force us to completely change the development concept, adjust the industrial development path, reintegrate the resources configuration structure of the whole society, and to promote sustainable development, so that we can live with blue sky, green water and hills together, enhance the quality of economic and social development, and satisfy the general public for the historic pursuit of green development.
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(Zhang Zhancang, the president of Henan Academy of Social Sciences, Senior Researcher, doctoral supervisor. Chen Ping, associate researcher of Regional Economic Review of Henan Academy of Social Sciences. Peng Junjie, research assistant of Institute of Urban and Environment of Henan Academy of Social Sciences.)