- The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches
- Macaulay
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- 2016-03-04 17:04:11
The disappointment of Falstaff at his old boon-companion's coronation was not more bitter than that which awaited some of the inmates of Rheinsberg.They had long looked forward to the accession of their patron, as to the event from which their own prosperity and greatness was to date.They had at last reached the promised land, the land which they had figured to themselves as flowing with milk and honey; and they found it a desert."No more of these fooleries," was the short, sharp admonition given by Frederic to one of them.It soon became plain that, in the most important points, the new sovereign bore a strong family likeness to his predecessor.There was indeed a wide difference between the father and the son as respected extent and vigour of intellect, speculative opinions, amusements, studies, outward demeanour.But the groundwork of the character was the same in both.To both were common the love of order, the love of business, the military taste, the parsimony, the imperious spirit, the temper irritable even to ferocity, the pleasure in the pain and humiliation of others.But these propensities had in Frederic William partaken of the general unsoundness of his mind, and wore a very different aspect when found in company with the strong and cultivated understanding of his successor.Thus, for example, Frederic was as anxious as any prince could be about the efficiency of his army.But this anxiety never degenerated into a monomania, like that which led his father to pay fancy prices for giants.Frederic was as thrifty about money as any prince or any private man ought to be.But he did not conceive, like his father, that it was worth while to eat unwholesome cabbages for the purpose of saving four or five rixdollars in the year.
Frederic was, we fear, as malevolent as his father; but Frederic's wit enabled him often to show his malevolence in ways more decent than those to which his father resorted, and to inflict misery and degradation by a taunt instead of a blow.
Frederic, it is true, by no means relinquished his hereditary privilege of kicking and cudgelling.His practice, however, as to that matter, differed in some important respects from his father's.To Frederic William, the mere circumstance that any persons whatever, men, women, or children, Prussians or foreigners, were within reach of his toes and of his cane, appeared to be a sufficient reason for proceeding to belabour them.Frederic required provocation as well as vicinity; nor was he ever known to inflict this paternal species of correction on any but his born subjects; though on one occasion M.Thiebault had reason, during a few seconds, to anticipate the high honour of being an exception to this general rule.
The character of Frederic was still very imperfectly understood either by his subjects or by his neighbours, when events occurred which exhibited it in a strong light.A few months after his accession died Charles the Sixth, Emperor of Germany, the last descendant, in the male line, of the House of Austria.
Charles left no son, and had, long before his death, relinquished all hopes of male issue.During the latter part of his life, his principal object had been to secure to his descendants in the female line the many crowns of the House of Hapsburg.With this view, he had promulgated a new law of succession, widely celebrated throughout Europe under the name of the Pragmatic Sanction.By virtue of this law, his daughter, the Archduchess Maria Theresa, wife of Francis of Lorraine, succeeded to the dominions of her ancestors.
No sovereign has ever taken possession of a throne by a clearer title.All the politics of the Austrian cabinet had, during twenty years, been directed to one single end, the settlement of the succession.From every person whose rights could be considered as injuriously affected, renunciations in the most solemn form had been obtained.The new law had been ratified by the Estates of all the kingdoms and principalities which made up the great Austrian monarchy.England, France, Spain, Russia, Poland, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, the Germanic body, had bound themselves by treaty to maintain the Pragmatic Sanction.That instrument was placed under the protection of the public faith of the whole civilised world.
Even if no positive stipulations on this subject had existed, the arrangement was one which no good man would have been willing to disturb.It was a peaceable arrangement.It was an arrangement acceptable to the great population whose happiness was chiefly concerned.It was an arrangement which made no change in the distribution of power among the states of Christendom.It was an arrangement which could be set aside only by means of a general war; and, if it were set aside, the effect would be, that the equilibrium of Europe would be deranged, that the loyal and patriotic feelings of millions would be cruelly outraged, and that great provinces which had been united for centuries would be torn from each other by main force.