- Lilith
- George MacDonald
- 1132字
- 2016-03-02 16:32:40
Whether the hideous things even saw the children,I doubt;certainly not one of them touched a child;not one loathly member passed the live rampart of her body-guard,to lay hold of her.
"Little Ones,"I cried,"keep your elephants close about the princess.Be brave;they will not touch you.""What will not touch us?We don't know what to be brave at!"they answered;and I perceived they were unaware of one of the deformities around them.
"Never mind then,"I returned;"only keep close."They were panoplied in their blindness!Incapacity to see was their safety.What they could nowise be aware of,could not hurt them.
But the hideous forms I saw that night!Mara was a few paces in front of me when a solitary,bodiless head bounced on the path between us.The leopardess came rushing under the elephants from behind,and would have seized it,but,with frightful contortions of visage and a loathsome howl,it gave itself a rapid rotatory twist,sprang from her,and buried itself in the ground.The death in my arms assoiling me from fear,I regarded them all unmoved,although never,sure,was elsewhere beheld such a crew accursed!
Mara still went in front of me,and the leopardess now walked close behind her,shivering often,for it was very cold,when suddenly the ground before me to my left began to heave,and a low wave of earth came slinking toward us.It rose higher as it drew hear;out of it slouched a dreadful head with fleshy tubes for hair,and opening a great oval mouth,snapped at me.The leopardess sprang,but fell baffled beyond it.
Almost under our feet,shot up the head of an enormous snake,with a lamping wallowing glare in its eyes.Again the leopardess rushed to the attack,but found nothing.At a third monster she darted with like fury,and like failure--then sullenly ceased to heed the phantom-horde.But I understood the peril and hastened the crossing--the rather that the moon was carrying herself strangely.
Even as she rose she seemed ready to drop and give up the attempt as hopeless;and since,I saw her sink back once fully her own breadth.The arc she made was very low,and now she had begun to descend rapidly.
We were almost over,when,between us and the border of the basin,arose a long neck,on the top of which,like the blossom of some Stygian lily,sat what seemed the head of a corpse,its mouth half open,and full of canine teeth.I went on;it retreated,then drew aside.The lady stepped on the firm land,but the leopardess between us,roused once more,turned,and flew at the throat of the terror.I remained where I was to see the elephants,with the princess and the children,safe on the bank.Then I turned to look after the leopardess.That moment the moon went down,For an instant I saw the leopardess and the snake-monster convolved in a cloud of dust;then darkness hid them.Trembling with fright,my horse wheeled,and in three bounds overtook the elephants.
As we came up with them,a shapeless jelly dropped on the princess.
A white dove dropped immediately on the jelly,stabbing it with its beak.It made a squelching,sucking sound,and fell off.Then Iheard the voice of a woman talking with Mara,and I knew the voice.
"I fear she is dead!"said Mara.
"I will send and find her,"answered the mother."But why,Mara,shouldst thou at all fear for her or for any one?Death cannot hurt her who dies doing the work given her to do.""I shall miss her sorely;she is good and wise.Yet I would not have her live beyond her hour!""She has gone down with the wicked;she will rise with the righteous.
We shall see her again ere very long."
"Mother,"I said,although I did not see her,"we come to you many,but most of us are Little Ones.Will you be able to receive us all?""You are welcome every one,"she answered."Sooner or later all will be little ones,for all must sleep in my house!It is well with those that go to sleep young and willing!--My husband is even now preparing her couch for Lilith.She is neither young nor quite willing,but it is well indeed that she is come."I heard no more.Mother and daughter had gone away together through the dark.But we saw a light in the distance,and toward it we went stumbling over the moor.
Adam stood in the door,holding the candle to guide us,and talking with his wife,who,behind him,laid bread and wine on the table within.
"Happy children,"I heard her say,"to have looked already on the face of my daughter!Surely it is the loveliest in the great world!"When we reached the door,Adam welcomed us almost merrily.He set the candle on the threshold,and going to the elephants,would have taken the princess to carry her in;but she repulsed him,and pushing her elephants asunder,stood erect between them.They walked from beside her,and left her with him who had been her husband--ashamed indeed of her gaunt uncomeliness,but unsubmissive.
He stood with a welcome in his eyes that shone through their severity.
"We have long waited for thee,Lilith!"he said.
She returned him no answer.
Eve and her daughter came to the door.
"The mortal foe of my children!"murmured Eve,standing radiant in her beauty.
"Your children are no longer in her danger,"said Mara;"she has turned from evil.""Trust her not hastily,Mara,"answered her mother;"she has deceived a multitude!""But you will open to her the mirror of the Law of Liberty,mother,that she may go into it,and abide in it!She consents to open her hand and restore:will not the great Father restore her to inheritance with His other children?""I do not know Him!"murmured Lilith,in a voice of fear and doubt.
"Therefore it is that thou art miserable,"said Adam.
"I will go back whence I came!"she cried,and turned,wringing her hands,to depart.
"That is indeed what I would have thee do,where I would have thee go--to Him from whom thou camest!In thy agony didst thou not cry out for Him?""I cried out for Death--to escape Him and thee!""Death is even now on his way to lead thee to Him.Thou knowest neither Death nor the Life that dwells in Death!Both befriend thee.