- The Pathfinder
- Margaret Mayhew
- 1094字
- 2016-03-02 16:32:17
"Ha! encouraging -- disheartening! -- why, neither.No, no, there is nothing encouraging about it; and as for dis-heartening, nothing ought to dishearten a seaman.You never get disheartened or afraid in the woods, my friend?""I'll not say that, I'll not say that.When the danger is great, it is my gift to see it, and know it, and to try to avoid it; else would my scalp long since have been drying in a Mingo wigwam.On this lake, however, I can see no trail, and I feel it my duty to submit; though I think we ought to remember there is such a person as Mabel Dun-ham on board.But here comes her father, and he will naturally feel for his own child.""We are seriously situated, I believe, brother Cap," said the Sergeant, when he had reached the spot, "by what Ican gather from the two hands on the forecastle? They tell me the cutter cannot carry any more sail, and her drift is so great we shall go ashore in an hour or two.I hope their fears have deceived them?"Cap made no reply; but he gazed at the land with a rue-ful face, and then looked to windward with an expression of ferocity, as if he would gladly have quarrelled with the weather.
"It may be well, brother," the Sergeant continued, "to send for Jasper and consult him as to what is to be done.
There are no French here to dread; and, under all circum-stances, the boy will save us from drowning if possible.""Ay, ay, 'tis these cursed circumstances that have done all the mischief.But let the fellow come; let him come;a few well-managed questions will bring the truth out of him, I'll warrant you."This acquiescence on the part of the dogmatical Cap was no sooner obtained, than Jasper was sent for.The young man instantly made his appearance, his whole air, counte-nance, and mien expressive of mortification, humility, and, as his observers fancied, rebuked deception.When he first stepped on deck, Jasper cast one hurried, anxious glance around, as if curious to know the situation of the cutter;and that glance sufficed, it would seem, to let him into the secret of all her perils.At first he looked to windward, as is usual with every seaman; then he turned round the horizon, until his eye caught a view of the high lands to leeward, when the whole truth burst upon him at once.
"I've sent for you, Master Jasper," said Cap, folding his arms, and balancing his body with the dignity of the fore-castle, "in order to learn something about the haven to leeward.We take it for granted you do not bear malice so hard as to wish to drown us all, especially the women; and I suppose you will be man enough to help us run the cut-ter into some safe berth until this bit of a gale has done blowing!""I would die myself rather than harm should come to Mabel Dunham," the young man earnestly answered.
"I knew it! I knew it!" cried the Pathfinder, clapping his hand kindly on Jasper's shoulder."The lad is as true as the best compass that ever ran a boundary, or brought a man off from a blind trail.It is a mortal sin to believe otherwise.""Humph!" ejaculated Cap; "especially the women!
As if _they_ were in any particular danger.Never mind, young man; we shall understand each other by talking like two plain seamen.Do you know of any port under our lee?""None.There is a large bay at this end of the lake; but it is unknown to us all, and not easy of entrance.""And this coast to leeward -- it has nothing particular to recommend it, I suppose?""It is a wilderness until you reach the mouth of the Ni-agara in one direction, and Frontenac in the other.North and west, they tell me, there is nothing but forest and prairies for a thousand miles.""Thank God! then, there can be no French.Are there many savages, hereaway, on the land?""The Indians are to be found in all directions; though they are nowhere very numerous.By accident, we might find a party at any point on the shore; or we might pass months there without seeing one.""We must take our chauce, then, as to the blackguards;but, to be frank with you, Master Western, if this little unpleasant matter about the French had not come to pass, what would you now do with the cutter?""I am a much younger sailor than yourself, Master Cap,"said Jasper modestly, "and am hardly fitted to advise you.""Ay, ay, we all know that.In a common case, perhaps not.But this is an uncommon case, and a circumstance;and on this bit of fresh water it has what may be called its peculiarities; and so, everything considered, you may be fitted to advise even your own father.At all events, you can speak, and I can judge of your opinions, agreeably to my own experience.""I think, sir, before two hours are over, the cutter will have to anchor.""Anchor! -- not out here in the lake?"
"No, sir; but in yonder, near the land."
"You do not mean to say, Master Eau-douce, you would anchor on a lee shore in a gale of wind?""If I would save my vessel, that is exactly what I would do, Master Cap.""Whe-e-e-w! -- this is fresh water, with a vengeance!
Hark'e, young man, I've been a seafaring animal, boy and man, forty-one years, and I never yet heard of such a thing.I'd throw my ground-tackle overboard before Iwould be guilty of so lubberly an act!"
"That is what we do on this lake," modestly replied Jasper, "when we are hard pressed.I daresay we might do better, had we been better taught.""That you might, indeed! No; no man induces me to commit such a sin against my own bringing up.I should never dare show my face inside of Sandy Hook again, had I committed so know-nothing an exploit.Why, Path-finder, here, has more seamanship in him than that comes to.You can go below again, Master Eau-douce."Jasper quietly bowed and withdrew; still, as he passed down the ladder, the spectators observed that he cast a lingering anxious look at the horizon to windward and the land to leeward, and then disappeared with concern strongly expressed in every lineament of his face.