第18章 ACT III(4)
- King Henry VIII
- William Shakespeare
- 1091字
- 2016-03-02 16:31:45
Enter the KING,reading of a schedule,and LOVELL
SURREY.I would 'twere something that would fret the string,The master-cord on's heart!SUFFOLK.The King,the King!KING.What piles of wealth hath he accumulated To his own portion!And what expense by th'hour Seems to flow from him!How,i'th'name of thrift,Does he rake this together?--Now,my lords,Saw you the Cardinal?NORFOLK.My lord,we have Stood here observing him.Some strange commotion Is in his brain:he bites his lip and starts,Stops on a sudden,looks upon the ground,Then lays his finger on his temple;straight Springs out into fast gait;then stops again,Strikes his breast hard;and anon he casts His eye against the moon.In most strange postures We have seen him set himself.KING.It may well be There is a mutiny in's mind.This morning Papers of state he sent me to peruse,As I requir'd;and wot you what I found There--on my conscience,put unwittingly?Forsooth,an inventory,thus importing The several parcels of his plate,his treasure,Rich stuffs,and ornaments of household;which I find at such proud rate that it outspeaks Possession of a subject.NORFOLK.It's heaven's will;Some spirit put this paper in the packet To bless your eye withal.KING.If we did think His contemplation were above the earth And fix'd on spiritual object,he should still Dwell in his musings;but I am afraid His thinkings are below the moon,not worth His serious considering.[The KING takes his seat and whispers LOVELL,who goes to the CARDINAL]WOLSEY.Heaven forgive me!Ever God bless your Highness!KING.Good,my lord,You are full of heavenly stuff,and bear the inventory Of your best graces in your mind;the which You were now running o'er.You have scarce time To steal from spiritual leisure a brief span To keep your earthly audit;sure,in that I deem you an ill husband,and am glad To have you therein my companion.WOLSEY.Sir,For holy offices I have a time;a time To think upon the part of business which I bear i'th'state;and nature does require Her times of preservation,which perforce I,her frail son,amongst my brethren mortal,Must give my tendance to.KING.You have said well.WOLSEY.And ever may your Highness yoke together,As I will lend you cause,my doing well With my well saying!KING.'Tis well said again;And 'tis a kind of good deed to say well;And yet words are no deeds.My father lov'd you:He said he did;and with his deed did crown His word upon you.Since I had my office I have kept you next my heart;have not alone Employ'd you where high profits might come home,But par'd my present havings to bestow My bounties upon you.WOLSEY.[Aside]What should this mean?SURREY.[Aside]The Lord increase this business!KING.Have I not made you The prime man of the state?I pray you tell me If what I now pronounce you have found true;And,if you may confess it,say withal If you are bound to us or no.What say you?WOLSEY.My sovereign,I confess your royal graces,Show'r'd on me daily,have been more than could My studied purposes requite;which went Beyond all man's endeavours.My endeavours,Have ever come too short of my desires,Yet fil'd with my abilities;mine own ends Have been mine so that evermore they pointed To th'good of your most sacred person and The profit of the state.For your great graces Heap'd upon me,poor undeserver,I Can nothing render but allegiant thanks;My pray'rs to heaven for you;my loyalty,Which ever has and ever shall be growing,Till death,that winter,kill it.KING.Fairly answer'd!A loyal and obedient subject is Therein illustrated;the honour of it Does pay the act of it,as,i'th'contrary,The foulness is the punishment.I presume That,as my hand has open'd bounty to you,My heart dropp'd love,my pow'r rain'd honour,more On you than any,so your hand and heart,Your brain,and every function of your power,Should,notwithstanding that your bond of duty,As 'twere in love's particular,be more To me,your friend,than any.WOLSEY.I do profess That for your Highness'good I ever labour'd More than mine own;that am,have,and will be--Though all the world should crack their duty to you,And throw it from their soul;though perils did Abound as thick as thought could make 'em,and Appear in forms more horrid--yet my duty,As doth a rock against the chiding flood,Should the approach of this wild river break,And stand unshaken yours.KING.'Tis nobly spoken.Take notice,lords,he has a loyal breast,For you have seen him open 't.Read o'er this;[Giving him papers]And after,this;and then to breakfast with What appetite you have.Exit the KING,frowning upon the CARDINAL;the NOBLES throng after him,smiling and whispering WOLSEY.What should this mean?What sudden anger's this?How have I reap'd it?He parted frowning from me,as if ruin Leap'd from his eyes;so looks the chafed lion Upon the daring huntsman that has gall'd him--Then makes him nothing.I must read this paper;I fear,the story of his anger.'Tis so;This paper has undone me.'Tis th'account Of all that world of wealth I have drawn together For mine own ends;indeed to gain the popedom,And fee my friends in Rome.O negligence,Fit for a fool to fall by!What cross devil Made me put this main secret in the packet I sent the King?Is there no way to cure this?No new device to beat this from his brains?I know 'twill stir him strongly;yet I know A way,if it take right,in spite of fortune,Will bring me off again.What's this?'To th'Pope.'The letter,as I live,with all the business I writ to's Holiness.Nay then,farewell!I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness,And from that full meridian of my glory I haste now to my setting.I shall fall Like a bright exhalation in the evening,And no man see me more.