
[50] "Procès-verbeaux de l'ass. prov. d'Alsace" (1787), p. 116;" -of Champagne," 192. (According to a declaration of June 2, 1787, the tax substituted for the corvée may be extended to one-sixth of the taille, with accessory taxes and the poll-tax combined). "De la généralité d'Alen?con," 179; " - du Berry," I. 218.

[51] Archives nationales, G, 322 (Memorandum on the excise dues of Compiègne and its neighborhood, 1786)[52] "Procès-verbaux de l'ass. prov. de l'Ile-de-France," p. 104.

[53] "Procès-verbaux de l'ass. prov. de Berry, I. 85, II. 91. " -de l'Orléanais, p. 225." "Arbitrariness, injustice, inequality, are inseparable from the taille when any change of collector takes place."[54] "Archives Nationales," H. 615. Letter of M. de Lagourda, a noble from Bretagne, to M. Necker, dated December 4, 1780: " You are always taxing the useful and necessary people who decrease in numbers all the time: these are the workers of the land. The countryside has become deserted and no one will any longer plow the land. I testify to God and to you, Sir, that we have lost more than a third of our budding wheat of the last harvest because we did not have the necessary man-power do to the work."[55] Ibid. 1149. (letter of M. de Reverseau, March 16, 1781); H, 200 (letter of M. Amelot, Nov. 2, 1784).

[56] "Procès-verbaux de l'ass. prov. de la généralite de Rouen,"p.91.

[57] Hippeau, VI. 22 (1788).

[58] D'Argenson. VI. 37.

[59] Archives nationales, H. 200 (Memoir of M. Amelot, 1785).

[60] Procès-verbaux de l'ass. prov. d'Auvergne," 253.

[61] Boivin-Champeaux, "Doléances de la parvisse de Tilleul-Lambert" (Eure). "Numbers of privileged characters, Messieurs of the elections, Messieurs the post-masters, Messieurs the presidents and other attachés of the salt-warehouse, every individual possessing extensive property pays but a third or a half of the taxes they ought to pay."[62] De Tocqueville, 385. - "Procès-verbaux de l'ass. prov. de Lyonnais," p. 56[63] Archives nationales, H, 1422. (Letters of M. d'Aine, intendant, also of the receiver for the election of Tulle, February 23, 1783).

[64] De Tocqueville, 64, 363.

[65] Archives nationales, H, 612, 614. (Letters of M. de la Bove, September 11, and Dec. 2, 1774; June 28, 1777).

[66] Mercier, II. 62.

[67] "Grievances" of the parish of Aubervilliers.

[68] Archives nationales, G, 300; G, 322 ("Mémoires" on the excise duties).

[69] "Procès-verbaux de l'ass. prov. des Trois-Evêchés p. 442.

[70] Archives nationales, H, 1422 (Letter of the intendant of Moulins, April 1779).

[71] Archives nationales, H. 1312 (Letters of M. D'Antheman procureur-général of the excise court (May 19, 1783), and of the Archbishop of Aix (June 15, 1783).) - Provence produced wheat only sufficient for seven and a half months' consumption.

[72] Abbreviation for the "cahier des doléances", in English 'register of grieviances', brought with them by the representatives of the people to the great gathering in Paris of the "States-Généraux" in 1789. (SR.)[73] The feudal dues may be estimated at a seventh of the net income and the dime also at a seventh. These are the figures given by the ass. prov. of Haute-Guyenne (Procès-verbaux, p. 47). - Isolated instances, in other provinces, indicate similar results. The dime ranges from a tenth to the thirteenth of the gross product, and commonly the tenth. I regard the average as about the fourteenth, and as one-half of the gross product must he deducted for expenses of cultivation, it amounts to one-seventh. Letrosne says a fifth and even a quarter.

[74] Boivin-Champeaux, 72.

[75] Grievances of the community of Culmon (Election de Langres.)[76] Boivin-Champeaux, 34, 36, 41, 48. - Périn ("Doléances des paroisses rurales de l'Artuis," 301, 308). - Archives nationales, procès-verbaux and cahiers of the States-Géneraux, vol. XVII. P. 12(Letter of the inhabitants of Dracy-le Viteux).

[77] Motte: a mound indicative of Seigniorial dominion; quevaise;the right of forcing a resident to remain on his property under penalty of forfeiture; domaine congéable; property held subject to capricious ejection. (TR)[78] Prud'homme, "Résumé des cahiers," III. passim, and especially from 317 to 340.