Kali Linux 2018:Windows Penetration Testing
更新时间:2021-06-24 18:23:06
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Choosing Your Distro
Desktop environments
Desktop environment versus Window Manager
Enlightenment (E17)
E17 Window Manager issues
Gnome desktop
Gnome 3 desktop issues
KDE desktop
KDE issues
LXDE desktop
LXDE issues
MATE desktop
MATE issues
Xfce desktop
Xfce issues
Choosing your look and feel
Configuring Kali to be your Daily Driver
User account setup
Sharpening the Saw
Technical requirements
Installing Kali Linux to an encrypted USB drive
Prerequisites for installation
Booting up
Configuring the installation
Setting up the drive
Booting your new installation of Kali
Running Kali from the Live DVD
Installing and configuring applications
Gedit – the Gnome Text Editor
Geany – the platform-agnostic code IDE
Terminator – the Terminal emulator for multi-tasking
Etherape – the graphical protocol-analysis tool
Setting up and configuring OpenVAS
Reporting tests
KeepNote – stand-alone document organizer
Dradis – web-based document organizer
Running services on Kali Linux
Information Gathering and Vulnerability Assessments
Technical requirements
Footprinting the network
The difference verbosity makes
Scanning a network range
An annotated list of Nmap command options
Using OpenVAS
Using Maltego
Using KeepNote
Further reading
Sniffing and Spoofing
Technical requirements
Sniffing and spoofing network traffic
Sniffing network traffic
WinDump (Windows tcpdump)
The packet
Working with Wireshark
Spoofing network traffic
Ettercap on the command line
Further reading
Password Attacks
Password attack planning
Cracking the NTLM code (revisited)
Password lists
Cleaning a password list
My friend Johnny
John the Ripper (command line)
Further reading
NetBIOS Name Service and LLMNR - Obsolete but Still Deadly
Technical requirements
NetBIOS name service and NTLM
Sniffing and capturing traffic
Using Ettercap data
NetBIOS scanning using NBTscan
Responder - so many hashes so little time
Using Responder with Metasploit
NetBIOS response BadTunnel brute force spoofing
Ettercap setup
The attack
Further reading
Gaining Access
Technical requirements
Exploiting Windows systems with Metasploit
Using advanced Footprinting
Interpreting the scan and building on the result
Exploiting a 32-bit system
Accessing Systems With Xfreerdp
Further reading
Windows Privilege Escalation and Maintaining Access
Technical requirements
Windows privilege escalation
Escalating your privileges
MS16-032 Secondary Logon Handle Privilege Escalation
Windows Escalate Service Permissions Local Privilege Escalation
Windows Escalate UAC Protection Bypass (ScriptHost Vulnerability)
Maintaining access
Remote Access Tools
Metasploit's persistence_exe module
Windows registry-only persistence
Maintaining Access on Server or Desktop
Maintaining access or ET Phone Home
Covering our tracks
Maintaining access with Ncat
Setting up a NetCat Client
Phoning home with Metasploit
Running a port scanner inside Metasploit
The Drop Box
Cracking the Network Access Controller (NAC)
Creating a spear-phishing attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit
Using the Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors menu
Choose a subject or write a new email message
Using Backdoor Factory to evade antivirus
Further reading
Reverse Engineering and Stress Testing
Technical requirements
Setting up a test environment
Creating your victim machine(s)
Testing your testing environment
Reverse Engineering theory
One general theory of Reverse Engineering
Working with Boolean logic
Reviewing a while loop structure
Reviewing the for loop structure
Understanding the decision points
Practicing Reverse Engineering
Using debuggers
Using the Valgrind debugger
Using the EDB-Debugger
EDB-Debugger symbol mapper
Running OllyDbg
Introduction to disassemblers
Running JAD
Creating your own disassembling code with Capstone
Some miscellaneous Reverse Engineering tools
Running Radare2
The additional members of the Radare2 tool suite
Running rasm2
Running rahash2
Running radiff2
Running rafind2
Running rax2
Stress testing Windows
Dealing with Denial
Putting the network under Siege
Configuring your Siege engine
Further reading
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更新时间:2021-06-24 18:23:06