1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Acceptance,Storage and Handling of Piping Components
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Acceptance
3.3 Storage
3.4 Handling
4 Fabrication of Piping
5 Erection
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5.1 General Requirements
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5.2 Erection of Piping both Aboveground and Trench
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5.3 Erection of Buried Piping
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5.4 Erection of Hangers and Supports
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5.5 Erection of Valves
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5.6 Erection of Static Grounding
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6 Assembly
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6.1 General Requirements
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6.2 Flanged Joints
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6.3 Electrofusion Joints
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6.4 Heat Fusion Joints
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6.5 Wrapped Joints
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6.6 Elastomeric-sealing-ring-type Socket Joints
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7 Examination of Piping Joints
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7.1 General Requirements
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7.2 Visual Examination of Electrofusion Joints
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7.3 Visual Examination of Heat Fusion Joints
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7.4 Visual Examination of Wrapped Joints
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7.5 Visual Examination of Elastomeric-sealing-ring-type Socket Joints
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8 Piping System Test
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8.1 General Requirements
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8.2 Pressure Test
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8.3 Leak Test
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9 Piping System Purging and Cleaning Inspection
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9.1 General Requirements
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9.2 Water Cleaning
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9.3 Air Purging
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10 Technical Documentation of Construction Completion
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Explanation of Wording in This Code
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List of Quoted Standards
更新时间:2020-09-24 18:21:58